For Educators


For Educators: Do you…

  • Seek effective approaches to Common Core, state standards, and students’ learning outcomes?
  • Want to build your students’ 21st-century skills?
  • Suspect – or KNOW! – that the arts belong in schools, and that nurturing creativity is both crucial and possible?
  • Feel eager to find effective tools for increasing literacy?
  • Worry about how little budget there is for enrichment programming?
  • Wonder about how much “screen time” is good – or too much?  Feel uneasy about how digital “multitasking” affects students?
  • Think STEM should be transformed to STEAM? (adding Arts+Humanities to the equation of Science, Technology, Engineering + Math!)
  • Feel concerned about how digital media may be fragmenting community?  Or how social media affects real-time/face-time social interaction?

…Want to answer these concerns in a way that gives you “the most bang for your buck?”

Contact storyteller Pam Faro HERE to learn more, and/or scroll down…Learn how STORYTELLING is the full package, offering effective answers addressing each of these issues – and so much more!

Ms. Faro so empowers the introverts and encourages the extroverts that whatever she charges would be chump change.

John Donnelly, Atlanta
05062012, PamFaro8c

It often seems there’s an impermeable boundary…

…between teaching to standards, upping students’ test scores…and developing creativity and critical thinking, which are crucial 21st-century skills. Storytelling crosses that boundary, bridges the gap, offers real pathways across the spectrum of your classroom’s needs. [One fantastic resource where loads of research is collected and analyzed in one handy place for you: Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story. Thousands of researched sources and studies agree: storytelling is unparalleled in its importance to brain development and meaning-making].

By doing any or all of these…

  • increasing your own storytelling skills
  • guiding your students to be storytellers
  • bringing professional storytellers – performing and teaching artists – to your school to experience the power of storytelling

…you will be generating a powerful teaching tool for your classroom!

And guess what?!  Storyteller Pam Faro offers:

The Arts Belong in the Schools!

Each and every art form delivers vibrant benefits and perspectives – We need them all!  But…if you do not have the budget to bring a wide variety of different performing and/or teaching artists to your school, if you want the most “bang for your buck”…consider STORYTELLING:

Storytelling uniquely combines…

  • the creative exploration and expression inherent in all art forms, with…
  • rich language and literacy development
  • social skills
  • community-building
  • drawing upon the neural wiring-for-story built into the human brain
  • developing both cognitive and affective processes
  • both: drawing upon, and developing additional capacity for, focused attention
  • supports every one of the Colorado state standards for reading, writing and communication!

…All in one “package!”  Contact Pam to book a performance or workshop, or to learn more.