What People Say


What people say about Pam Faro…

“Pam Faro is an extraordinary storyteller: beautiful, engaging, graceful, surprising, delightful, and really smart. When you listen to her tell a story you know that you are engaging a great story mind.”Thomas Boomershine, Professor of Communication, United Theological Seminary, Dayton OH

“It was as perfect an evening of storytelling as I can ever remember!”Ruth Stotter, storyteller, author, folklorist, San Francisco Bay Area

“Easily one of the best…An audience favorite, she enthralls adults and kids alike with her beautiful voice, magical music, and warm, playful personality.”Angel Vigil, Colorado Academy, Denver; author of Corn Woman: Stories and Legends of the Hispanic Southwest

“She will offer a program you will not forget. She does not merely entertain. She inspires and empowers her listeners to awaken to new possibilities! I highly recommend her to you!” — Richard F. Ward, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa OK

“You sure talk with feling and exitment. You dafanille dont make people fall asleep!”Third Grader, Phoenix AZ

“Thank you for being one of our best featured storytellers ever!”Danette Rosenberg, Program Chair, Network of Biblical Storytellers International

“Hearing her stories made me feel connected to a powerful and important tradition. I found myself drawn into the stories she told, absorbed by the elements of mystique, humor, and wisdom.” — Student, Emory University, Atlanta GA

“…a storytelling genius.  She has a gift for finding unexpected depths in familiar stories.”guitar 2cWhitney Shiner, George Mason University, Fairfax VA

“The fact that she has been sole support of her family by means of storytelling for years and years, speaks volumes of her power and ability as a storyteller!” — School principal, Chicago IL

“Your CD is in my car CD player, and I’ve been enjoying listening to your stories when I’m in the car.  You compete well with NPR.” Jim Fowler, Lutheran pastor, Texas

“I’ve been privileged to watch Ms. Faro telling stories most of her career. I am always impressed by her ability to engage audiences of all ages, even the reluctant, ‘I’m too cool for this’ middle school teens. She has an excellent stage presence, using all of her ‘self’ to convey emotions, create the scene, and carry the audience along with her to another world. We consistently get enthusiastic responses from her audiences, asking us to have her come back again, and again.” — Susan Booker, Lafayette CO Public Library


“Pam is a great teacher of storytellers. She understands both the theory of storytelling, which she can talk about clearly, and the nuances of practicing the art. Her workshops are an opportunity to take a journey of discovery of oneself, of the story, and of relationship to an audience.” Thomas Boomershine, Professor of Communication, United Theological Seminary

“Pam’s program Sunday afternoon was phenomenal…You should bring this person for a day retreat with the stated goal of Pam 2increasing our effectiveness as teachers. I think it should almost be a requirement for middle elementary and middle school teachers… Ms. Faro would so empower the introverts and encourage the extroverts that whatever she charges would be chump change.”  John Donnelly, Atlanta

“I traveled from Barrie, Ontario to North Carolina in order to participate in the International Festival Gathering of Biblical Storytellers. There I had the privilege of attending one of Pam’s workshops called ‘Growing the Teller/Growing the Coach.’ Her workshop was worth every penny that I spent to be at the Festival.”Rev. Elizabeth Green, priest in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto

“Enjoyed every minute! I couldn’t even take a bathroom break for fear I’d miss something.” Teacher, Denver Public Schools, after a six-hour professional development workshop


“Pam Faro is not only a master storyteller but indeed she is a master storytelling coach. When coaching someone who is storytelling, Pam always puts the needs of the teller first. With care and compassion Pam listens, supports, encourages and befriends anyone who she is coaching; and always provides valuable and insightful feedback. Her approach to coaching is pastoral in nature as Pam provides both emotional and spiritual support through her coaching technique. Pam’s coaching method is of such quality that it need not be limited to those who tell stories, but will be of benefit to anyone who may be seeking to improve their communication and/or relationship skills. She is truly an inspiration”. — Rev. Elizabeth Green, priest in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto

Interfaith Storytelling Programs

“I have found Pam Faro’s storytelling to be delightfully energizing and thought provoking.  Pam’s presentation of stories is well received by an audience of persons seeking to learn more about others’ traditions and spiritual identities.  She engages the audience very well with both respect and humor while offering fresh, new insights into a diversity of faiths through the art of storytelling.”Jim Davis, Retired Chaplain/Director, Center for Spirituality & Justice, University of Puget Sound

“Uncle Olaus Survives the Titanic”

“Pam’s performances at the Beyond the Border Festival were a joy – a celebration of the power of personal recollection and family ties. In particular her story of how her Uncle Olaus Survives the Titanic is a beautifully crafted and sustained piece that moved us all to tears of emotion. I highly recommend it.” — David Ambrose, Artistic Director, Beyond the Border Wales International Storytelling Festival, Cardiff, Wales

“As I heard you tell the story, you put me there on the ship.  You didn’t have me just imagine the scenes… I – was – THERE!”  Alessio Soccali, Psychologist, Rome, Italy

“This educational, well researched performance is based on the true story of how Ms. Faro’s great uncle came to be a passenger on the Titanic, the events leading up to his passage, his experiences during the voyage, and what happened to him afterwards… This unique and compelling program has been an audience favorite over the years and people often mention it to me as one of our most outstanding events.” Susan Booker, Lafayette CO Public Library

Some Post-Keynote Presentation Comments…

“Pam was a very engaging speaker. Definitely did her research about our group. / Very good speaker that worked on getting to know our profession as well as her specialty in storytelling. / This (keynote) presentation took us beyond our usual left brain approach to learning and was powerfully effective. / Both this keynote and Pam’s breakout session were the highlight of the symposium for me. / Truth-telling, soul searching, and enriching. Delightful. / Dynamic speaker. Fun and challenging as well as educational. / Speaker was an audio-visual herself!”

Biblical Storytelling and/or Programs for Faith Communities

“Pam Faro is an exceptionally gifted biblical storyteller with a commanding sense of presence. She is able to take ancient texts and find and give lively expression to them so that they live and breathe again with the kind of vitality, humor, passion and earnestness they possessed when they were first told. Pam is a scholar who approaches her study of the stories of scripture from an informed, critical perspective. She is also a person of faith, who tells the stories faithfully—both in the sense of honoring her responsibility to sacred texts and in the sense of telling the stories out of a faithful life.” — Dennis Dewey, Past Executive Director, Network of Biblical Storytellers International

Pam Faro“Pam Faro is a storyteller par excellence! She weaves an intriguing verbal tapestry from several strands including biblical narrative, personal story, folk and fairy tale. Her versatility is marked by her charm and sheer talent. She will offer a program you will not forget. She does not merely entertain. She inspires and empowers her listeners to awaken to new possibilities! I highly recommend her to you!”Richard F. Ward, Professor of Homiletics and Worship, Phillips Theological Seminar, Tulsa OK

“Pam Faro is an extraordinary storyteller: beautiful, engaging, graceful, surprising, delightful, and really smart. When you listen to her tell a story you know that you are engaging a great story mind. She understands the tale she is telling. Unlike Dr. Frankenstein who brings dead things to life, Pam allows the life and energy that is already there in the story to bloom bountifully.  This is particularly true with sacred stories. As a student of Hebrew and Greek, Pam has experienced the stories in their original languages as well as in English or Spanish for that matter. Whatever the language, she makes it possible to experience the power and grace of the stories. Whether with children or adults, rich or poor, people of oral, literate or digital culture–Pam makes the stories of God unforgettable.” Thomas Boomershine, Professor of Communication, United Theological Seminary; co-founder of Network of Biblical Storytellers, International