Category: What Storytelling Is and Does
YouTube “Storytelling”…?
It can be wonderful to see recorded examples of storytelling… But storytelling on YouTube is only a “report” of a storytelling experience – very different from the live experience itself. Just like… A lovely photograph of a location may be beautiful all on its own. It might motivate you to…
Respond in Real-Time (Reprising a favorite blog post from March)
Responding to your audience, to the real-time circumstances around you – – this is one of storytelling’s most distinguishing characteristics. (This is what especially differentiates storytelling from theater, such as a monologue or “one-person play.”)
“Story allows us to make information productive. Without Story, information is nothing but a lot of bricks lying about waiting for someone to make constructive use of them.” – Aidan Chambers STORIES MAKE MEANING FOR US That’s what stories do. And that’s why humans tell stories.
Kaleidoscope Coffee & Stories
Kaleidoscope Coffee is all about connections and creating connections. Today’s is a guest blog by my friend, storyteller Cassie Cushing of Kaleidoscope Coffee & Stories. She’s a gifted a storyteller, an energetic and creative producer of small mutli-arts events, and she roasted-and-brewed me the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had!…
Equilateral Triangle
THAT’S what storytelling is: the equilateral triangle of Audience + Teller + Story Without any one of those, you just don’t have storytelling! (Another nifty metaphor: a 3-legged stool – “If you don’t have all 3, it doesn’t stand.”) Storytelling just doesn’t happen without an audience.
Andalusia – Stories That Connect Us
The year was 711 CE. A Berber army under Arab leadership crossed the Straits of Gibraltar from Morocco for yet more raids on the last of the Visigothic kingdoms in Spain. The invaders took the capital city, Toledo… And so began a 700-year presence of Islam in Europe – and…
5 Reasons Why We Need Storytelling in Schools [Part 1 of At Least 2]
This wonderful blog about why poetry is NEEDED in schools has been circulating on the internet. It’s true, I love it, I agree with it. …And all the way through reading it, I kept wanting to replace the word “poetry” with “storytelling.” So I did.
How My Dog Reminded Me: “Storytelling” is Not Just a Compliment
Yesterday – it was 70 degrees, blue-sunshiny, the ducks were paddling in the stream and the owls were hooting back and forth…the old doggie was enjoying stretching out on the still-dormant grass and soaking in the welcome early spring-ish warmth. Today – it’s been snowy-blowy out there, big flakes swirling…