It’s all so overwhelming and it seems everyone is tired, discouraged, maybe angry or cynical or depressed, maybe confused or disheartened…just weary. We’re told that our spirits can be eased and our mental health bolstered by: time in nature, exercise, meditation, the arts…And did you know that storytelling belongs firmly on this list?
(And apologies – I inadvertently sent out an unfinished draft of this post yesterday, ack!)
Each day during this April A-Z Blogging Challenge I’ll use a different letter of the alphabet as a prompt for a short musing on an aspect or two of the many ways the ancient-yet-very-contemporary experience of storytelling – both listening and telling – is an enjoyable, fortifying and heart-lifting practice, for anyone!
A – Storytelling is Really ACCESSIBLE!
Something you can do. Something you can DO!
Something YOU can do.
Something you CAN do!
- Have you ever told someone about something you did last weekend, or that happened to you when you were twelve years old, or that you experienced on a journey, or…?
- Have you ever told someone the basic plot and happenings of a favorite movie or book?
- Have you ever told a bedtime story to a child, or a “teaching tale” to a class or a congregation?
- Have you ever told a joke? (…a short funny story!)
You can say yes to at least one of those questions, right? – So, you’ve told at least one story!
You may or may not know: Storytelling is an art form that some people dedicate themselves, and years, and hard work, to developing and performing professionally (yours truly being one of those) – just like dance, singing, painting, puppetry, piano or guitar or any musical instrument…
AND, any and everyone can dive in and DO it!
That’s the glory of any art – and especially true and in some ways unique to Storytelling. [For one thing: no equipment needed. 🙂 ]
Like anything, there’s a wi-i-i-i-i-ide spectrum from beginning/novice/amateur through highly skilled/professional…

You might not be a professional gourmet chef – but certainly you can get in the kitchen and prepare food! You may not be on “Dancing With the Stars” – but you can surely have tons of fun dancing at clubs or in your own living room! With these or many other activities you could be anywhere on the spectrum from taking courses to develop your skills (and yes, even pursue a career) or simply having fun.
So whether you’ve ever taken a storytelling course or workshop in your life or not, whether you’re well-acquainted with storytelling festivals, or The Moth, or kind of don’t even know what I’m talking about here…YOU can tell stories to and with others.
Why would you?
Well, if you do, you may discover that this really-ancient yet oh-so-contemporary practice of intentionally sharing stories with others, both listening and telling, is a truly amazing way to help lift spirits in these dispiriting times.
Through this month and through the alphabet, I’ll share brief reflections on how and why storytelling can be a surprisingly effective spirit-lifter, for yourself and for others.
I hope I’ll prompt ideas of how and why you just might find ways to engage in it yourself!
You can DO it – humans are, after all, The Storytelling Animal! ( – great little book by Jonathan Gottschall)
Thanks for reading – Pam
Top photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash. Dance photo by Laura Fuhrman on Unsplash.
[P.S. If you’d ever want to develop your own storytelling skills, I do individual coaching and group workshops. Any questions or to be in touch, check out my website and sign up for my newsletter there!]
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