Heart-Lifting for Disheartening Times – Storytelling is a Refreshing TONIC

It’s all so overwhelming and it seems everyone is tired, discouraged, maybe angry or cynical or depressed, maybe confused or disheartened…just weary.
Each day during this April A-Z Blogging Challenge I’ll offer a short musing on an aspect or two of the many ways the ancient-yet-very-contemporary experience of storytelling – both listening and telling – is an enjoyable, fortifying and heart-lifting practice, for anyone!

T – Storytelling is a Great TONIC

So…what’s a TONIC? Some dictionary definitions:

  • something that gives a feeling of vigor or well-being; invigorating
  • something that makes you feel healthier and more relaxed
  • a general term for concoctions with health benefits and invigorating properties. (And, you realize, you can concoct a story – ! 😉 )

“Invigorating” and “relaxed” might seem at first blush to be contradictory – but they really aren’t! You can feel both at the same time, and it’s a pretty glorious feeling.

  • “A weekend in the mountains was a needed TONIC for her.”
  • “Spending time at the shore was just the TONIC he required.”

And…to spend time sharing stories, and especially when they are good stories well-told(!), is both relaxing and invigorating! A wonderful time for the heart, for community, for lifting spirits, for genuine entertainment and connection.

So here’s me raising a glass to the TONIC that is storytelling – and hoping you get to experience it!

Definitely heart-lifting in disheartening times.

Thanks for reading – Pam

Top photo by Sara Dubler, 2nd tonic photo by Devin Berko, both on Unsplash. Photo of me from my files, taken by I don’t remember which friend at a storytelling gathering.


3 responses to “Heart-Lifting for Disheartening Times – Storytelling is a Refreshing TONIC”

  1. Tarkabarka Avatar

    So true! In the past few days I felt down and exhausted, but getting to tell some cool stories to very appreciative audiences cheered me right up 🙂

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Pam Faro Avatar
      Pam Faro

      Exactly! Sorry to learn of your feeling down and exhausted (so common, sadly…) – but yes! You got the tonic of storytelling, yay! 😀

  2. […] Storytelling also can “simply” benefit an individual by giving them, with the structure it provides and the meaningful fun it produces, the opportunity to use their VOICE with others. (See my T post on “Tonic”!) […]

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