Tag: family

  • Untitled post 5412

      We all have days or moments that take us back in time, when a sudden and unbidden memory fills you with its imagery and emotion. I noticed today’s date, March 15, the Ides of March.

  • Musings on Story Crossings and Connections

    Musings on Story Crossings and Connections

    The name of this blog and my website is Story Crossings. As it says on my Home page: “Our stories cross – intersecting, as well as bridging divides – creating connections so that differences don’t have to be barriers.”

  • Blue Christmas?

    Blue Christmas?

    What to do with melancholy at Christmastime? For lots of people, this is thankfully not a problem. For lots of people, unfortunately it is. And for any number of reasons…

  • Why Tell Ghost Stories?

    Why Tell Ghost Stories?

    When I was a child, my favorite holiday was Halloween. Not because of the candy – though I certainly enjoyed the Tootsie Rolls and Snickers and yes, candy corn. No, it was the atmosphere of it all – the tree branches against the moon, the rustling leaves underfoot and overhead,…

  • “The Talk”…All Our Stories, Black/White/Brown/Red, After Ferguson

    “The Talk”…All Our Stories, Black/White/Brown/Red, After Ferguson

    We NEED to tell OUR stories. And we NEED to hear OTHERS’ stories. I know the teeniest-weeniest bit about “having The Talk” with my sons. I’m not talking about the birds’n’bees – I mean the one that African-American parents have with their children about being very, very careful if interacting…

  • Two Memorial Day Connections: A Memory and a Book

    Two Memorial Day Connections: A Memory and a Book

    Finally, after the whirlwind nuthouse of the challenging-yet-satisfying A-to-Z Daily Blogging in April, I’ve recovered to where I’m now starting my attempt at weekly blogging…Onward! 1 – My favorite Memorial Day parade memory – May 31, 1982: We were living in Dubuque, Iowa with our 2-and-a-half-year-old son, Marco. We lived…

  • Titanic Connections

    Titanic Connections

    Titanic: “of exceptional strength, size or power.” My friend Richard and I were enjoying a rare visit together, sharing breakfast in my home, me happily hosting him as he was in Boulder for a professional visit. The coffee was hot, the bread made great toast, especially covered as it was…

  • Nana Tells Stories…

    Nana Tells Stories…

    We sat cross-legged on the backyard sidewalk, under the fig tree, face to face. I’d read loads of books to her in her first 3 years, learning how to hold one up to my laptop’s camera in Colorado for her to see the pictures in California, then pull it back…

  • Gratitude, Gratefulness…Great Fullness!

    Gratitude, Gratefulness…Great Fullness!

    “My dad traveled a lot when I was a little girl; he was an insurance agent for Employers Mutual of Wausau (Wisconsin). He missed several birthdays, school programs, etc. – but never ever ever felt like an ‘absent father.’ When he was home there was full presence and love and…

  • Faeroy – my family’s tiny Norwegian island

    Faeroy – my family’s tiny Norwegian island

    “What’s your favorite story to tell?” – One of the most common questions asked me during Q&A sessions over the years. I used to demur about how I love ALL my stories; that’s why I tell them. But…a favorite one has indeed emerged in recent years: