Tag: storytelling event
Festivals & Conferences of Storytelling (but of Story Slams?)
[Top photograph is from the 2012 Beyond the Border Wales International Storytelling Festival, showing just one of the dozen concert venues throughout the St. Donats Castle grounds. I had the delight of performing shows there that year. WONDERFUL storytelling festival!] Think about it… Two or more solid days – no…
Emcee – Makes all the difference!
…And never more so than in a story slam… Reams could be written about the role and skill of emceeing. (And yes, “emcee” is a real word, having evolved from “MC,” short for “Master/Mistress of Ceremonies”). When it comes to storytelling events, I have witnessed fine storytellers who…are less gifted,…
Descriptions / Definitions
“Story slam.” “Traditional storytelling.” What do these even mean?! [Theme for this month: “Story Slams & Traditional Storytelling – Bridging the Distance”]
“A storytelling contest?! No way!” And I shook my head in distaste, even a bit of disbelief. After all, storytelling is all about community, and connection, and communication, and strengthening bonds, and cooperation, and…not competing!
Beer and Books
To tell the truth, in all my 27 years of professional storytelling I don’t think I’ve personally experienced or witnessed beer being available at “traditional” storytelling concerts / conferences / festivals / shows… Yet beer is available and enjoyed at both of the local story slams I’ve gotten myself to…
Trickster Tales – Just a Teeny Taste!
“The trickster exists in every culture as Coyote, Jack, Hans, Nasrudin, Anansi the Spider, and many more. He or she is a teacher and a fool in equal measure.” – So says the promo for tonight’s storytelling evening I’m eagerly anticipating… “Trickster Tales” is tonight’s offering in the “Stories with…
Would You Tell a Story at an “Interfaith Event?”
[This article originally appeared in Pam Faro’s Story Tracks February 2015 newsletter.] Imagine this… You are invited to tell a story – for pay, even! – at an occasion described as an “interfaith event.” What would you tell? Do you have a story that springs to mind? Several? None? Would you…
Story Slams Making Waves – What’s the Story, Anyway?! (Part 1)
“Like moths to a flame: People flock to hear personal sagas” – Denver Post, October 17, 2014. It was exciting to see a nice, big feature article in the Denver newspaper about storytelling! I read it eagerly… But…but…but…I confess to you: Eagerness gave way to puzzlement, puzzlement gave way to…
“All the Words I Cannot Write”…Oral Stories / Written Stories
All the Light We Cannot See Have you ever heard, or read, a story that filled you so very, very, very full…of thoughts, emotions, responses, images…? A story you hear told aloud…a written novel you hold in your hands…both are so similar to, and so different from, each other. Both…
Storytelling – and World Cup Soccer!
I’ve been watching wa-a-a-ay too much soccer lately… Well, no, not too much soccer! I love “the beautiful game,” and actually never get to watch enough of it, since my kids grew up and my soccer mom days are mostly just great memories now – and I love watching the…