Tag: storytelling event

  • Festivals & Conferences of Storytelling (but of Story Slams?)

    Festivals & Conferences of Storytelling (but of Story Slams?)

    [Top photograph is from the 2012 Beyond the Border Wales International Storytelling Festival, showing just one of the dozen concert venues throughout the St. Donats Castle grounds. I had the delight of performing shows there that year. WONDERFUL storytelling festival!] Think about it… Two or more solid days – no…

  • Emcee – Makes all the difference!

    Emcee – Makes all the difference!

    …And never more so than in a story slam… Reams could be written about the role and skill of emceeing. (And yes, “emcee” is a real word, having evolved from “MC,” short for “Master/Mistress of Ceremonies”). When it comes to storytelling events, I have witnessed fine storytellers who…are less gifted,…

  • Descriptions / Definitions

    Descriptions / Definitions

    “Story slam.” “Traditional storytelling.” What do these even mean?! [Theme for this month: “Story Slams & Traditional Storytelling – Bridging the Distance”]

  • Competition


    “A storytelling contest?! No way!” And I shook my head in distaste, even a bit of disbelief. After all, storytelling is all about community, and connection, and communication, and strengthening bonds, and cooperation, and…not competing!

  • Beer and Books

    Beer and Books

    To tell the truth, in all my 27 years of professional storytelling I don’t think I’ve personally experienced or witnessed beer being available at “traditional” storytelling concerts / conferences / festivals / shows… Yet beer is available and enjoyed at both of the local story slams I’ve gotten myself to…

  • Trickster Tales – Just a Teeny Taste!

    Trickster Tales – Just a Teeny Taste!

    “The trickster exists in every culture as Coyote, Jack, Hans, Nasrudin, Anansi the Spider, and many more. He or she is a teacher and a fool in equal measure.” – So says the promo for tonight’s storytelling evening I’m eagerly anticipating… “Trickster Tales” is tonight’s offering in the “Stories with…

  • Would You Tell a Story at an “Interfaith Event?”

    Would You Tell a Story at an “Interfaith Event?”

    [This article originally appeared in Pam Faro’s Story Tracks February 2015 newsletter.] Imagine this… You are invited to tell a story – for pay, even! – at an occasion described as an “interfaith event.” What would you tell? Do you have a story that springs to mind? Several? None? Would you…

  • Story Slams Making Waves – What’s the Story, Anyway?! (Part 1)

    Story Slams Making Waves – What’s the Story, Anyway?! (Part 1)

    “Like moths to a flame: People flock to hear personal sagas” – Denver Post, October 17, 2014. It was exciting to see a nice, big feature article in the Denver newspaper about storytelling! I read it eagerly… But…but…but…I confess to you: Eagerness gave way to puzzlement, puzzlement gave way to…

  • “All the Words I Cannot Write”…Oral Stories / Written Stories

    “All the Words I Cannot Write”…Oral Stories / Written Stories

    All the Light We Cannot See  Have you ever heard, or read, a story that filled you so very, very, very full…of thoughts, emotions, responses, images…? A story you hear told aloud…a written novel you hold in your hands…both are so similar to, and so different from, each other. Both…

  • Storytelling – and World Cup Soccer!

    Storytelling – and World Cup Soccer!

    I’ve been watching wa-a-a-ay too much soccer lately… Well, no, not too much soccer! I love “the beautiful game,” and actually never get to watch enough of it, since my kids grew up and my soccer mom days are mostly just great memories now – and I love watching the…