The Rocky Mountain Storytelling 2014 Conference is one week away!
Storytelling conferences are always a fantastic opportunity to connect, to learn from others (previous blog post!), to learn by doing, to network – and of course to have fun!
Rocky Mountain Storytelling holds its annual Colorado conference, “Storytelling: Craft & Connection,” next weekend in Denver on Friday evening May 2 and all day Saturday May 3. (With a great postscript opportunity on Sunday, see below).
I’ve been on the conference planning board for about 5 years, and this might be the best one yet! All information is at the RMS website.
- Featured storyteller Elizabeth Ellis.
- Great workshops to choose from.
- Meet the workshop leaders (I’m one of ‘em!).
- Friday evening pre-conference Storytelling Concert, featuring Elizabeth Ellis and 3 Colorado tellers. (It’s included in conference registration; also open to the public – buy concert tickets here)
- Saturday all-day conference 8am-5pm: workshops, networking, fun!
- Saturday evening Storytelling Salon – it was a lovely, relaxed epilogue to the day last year; we look forward again to relaxing, chatting, sharing some stories and some dessert.
- Extra opportunity – Sunday afternoon, May 4, Ohio storyteller Kevin Cordi offers a 3-hour intensive.
I’m on the RMS board – and what a wonderful group of people that has been to work with these past 5 years!
Online pre-registration ended yesterday, but walk-in registrations are welcome at the conference!
I’m looking forward to giving my workshop, “Total Recall: Exploring How Using Movement Enhances Your Learning, Remembering and Telling of Stories.” Additionally, I’ll be leading the conference Closing Session, leading the whole group in some community singing of songs I learned from Fay White when we were the keynoters at the Network of Biblical Storytellers Australia 2008 Gathering.
And I’m also looking forward to a vacation for my brain as soon as the whole wonderful weekend is over!
Don’t you wish you could come to the storytelling conference?! Maybe you can!?
Thanks for reading – Pam
The picture at the top of this post is nationally beloved storyteller Elizabeth Ellis, our featured speaker…
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