Questions are KEY to the story-choosing/ story-preparation / storytelling process!
To really explore “questions” in storytelling would make a very long post indeed – which I’m going to avoid. To that end, for today I’m going to just list here a few of the questions that can be so useful.
Ask questions of the story, the audience, and yourself (yes, that “equilateral triangle” of storytelling!)…
Ask questions about the story –
- Do I love it?
- Why do I love it? (which you may or may not be able to identify – I’m not at all convinced that that’s necessary)
- What’s the most important thing about the story? Why will I tell it?
- What really happens in this story?
- Who is in it? Really: who? How can I know and then share this character / these characters?
- …What else will you ask?
Ask questions about your audience –
- Who is listening and watching?
- Why are they there?
- What can I know about them, about their context?
- Are they able to hear and see me clearly?
- …What more will you ask?
Ask questions about yourself –
- Do I love this story? (a repeat question, yes)
- Do I know this story?
- Am I ready to tell it?
- Do I know how to share it with different audiences?
- Can I immerse in and embrace the imagery of this story?
- …What other questions will be important for you?
Here’s what’s interesting: Often it’s the case that specific answers are not even what’s needed – but the questioning process itself is what leads you forward, deeper and farther into your story selecting, preparation, and telling!
(I’ll have more to say on Questions in a future, separate blog or two-!)
Any questions?!
Thanks for reading – Pam
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