“Interfaith Interplay”

“Interfaith Interplay”

376504_10151024359424204_1487868599_n“The shortest distance between 2 people is a story”…

Stories bridge cultural divides in unique and powerful ways. People can gather around the deep and delightful experience of sharing stories from different faith traditions. Commonalities are discovered, different perspectives are explored, the known and unknown weave together throughout the familiar structure of story.

“Interfaith Interplay” is an expansion of Pam’s “Andalusian Trilogy” program, including some of those stories from the three Abrahamic faith traditions (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) and adding stories from additional faiths/cultures such as Hindu, Pagan, and/or indigenous traditions. Contact Pam to learn more.

“Interfaith Interplay” is wonderfully adaptable for your group, great for any of the following:

  • A secular group/occasion (library, school, community group, etc.) with interest in cross-cultural understanding and communication – or even just some really good stories!
  • An interfaith gathering, eager to nurture cross-religious dialog and appreciation
  • A Christian church event or group, desiring to increase awareness and understanding of other faiths

Pam adeptly tailors the program to your particular group and occasion, making it appropriate for you whether for a secular and/or public event, or a faith-based community. To discuss what would work best for you, contact Pam here.

Why a storytelling program of “interfaith” stories?

  • People from widely different backgrounds and with diverse customs and practices can gather around story.
  • The sharing of these stories helps to cross boundaries and differences.
  • It is instructive as well as entertaining to hear stories from varying faith/cultural traditions
  • And oh yes…good stories, well-told!

Too often differences are seen as impenetrable boundaries, obstacles that cannot be crossed, rather than natural and welcome expressions of the rich diversity of creation and of humankind.  And in these days of the early 21st Century, religious differences in particular are so very often perceived as deep and sometimes dangerous divisions…

…If you’d like to engage in some “Interfaith Interplay,” contact storyteller Pam Faro!


2 responses to ““Interfaith Interplay””

  1. […] my workshop on interfaith storytelling, connecting across faith traditions through story. (I created this workshop for the 2014 National […]

  2. […] If you’re interested, here are a couple links to some of my programming I mentioned above: Interfaith Interplay! and Andalusian […]