Category: Arts/Humanities
Getting Back on the (Blogging) Horse!
It’s been wa-a-a-a-ay too long. 4 months-plus since my last blog post. Past time to get back on that horse!
I am beyond delighted to welcome Csenge Zalka as Guest Blogger today! She is a Co-Host for the A-Z Challenge, a storyteller, scholar, teacher, blogger…and the MythOff USA Representative. So when she found out I planned to address “MythOff” for my M post (for my Daily Blogging Challenge theme of…
Heritage: Something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor: legacy, inheritance; tradition Oh-so-very-much could be written on this, but for today just a brief consideration of a very large difference between traditional storytelling and story slam storytelling – and while I’ve so far written more about process and form, this…
“All the Words I Cannot Write”…Oral Stories / Written Stories
All the Light We Cannot See Have you ever heard, or read, a story that filled you so very, very, very full…of thoughts, emotions, responses, images…? A story you hear told aloud…a written novel you hold in your hands…both are so similar to, and so different from, each other. Both…
Do You Know This “Secret Power” of Story?
It was a glorious Colorado autumn day! Ohhhhh, let me throw open the door and step out into the blue-sky bright-sunshine lovely-fresh air! Glorious! Deep breath, big smile…